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Frequently Asked Questions

The Answers You Need


Q: What is Microblading? 

A: Microblading is a semi-permanent form of cosmetic tattooing. In this procedure pigment is implanted in the dermal layer of the skin with a handheld tool instead of a machine to create hair like strokes. This method of tattooing achieves softer and more realistic looking eyebrows.

Q: Does it hurt? 

A: To ensure our patients are as comfortable as possible, before microblading, a topical numbing cream is applied, and a second layer is used during the treatment to minimize any discomfort. 

Q: How long is the downtime for healing?

A: You will have mild soreness, crusting and itching scabs that improves over 7-10 days. We will provide a detailed after care form which will explain exactly how to care for your brows. 

Q: How long does it last? 

A: Microblading generally last between 6 months and 1 year. Some factors will affect the length of time between touch ups such as: skin type, sun exposure, active ingredients used around the eyebrows and commitment to aftercare.

Eyelash Extensions

Here is a special interview Your Little Secret paired up and did with Jessica Violo for her  beauty blog: A Broke Beauty Blogger. We were thrilled to answer Jessica’s questions for her and her viewers. 

Q: Will lash extensions make my natural lashes fall out?

A: Everyone’s eyelashes fall out on a daily basis, we actually lose 2-5 lashes a day. We all have different lash cycles. Adult lashes will fall because a baby lash is making its way through. The extensions themselves shouldn’t make your eyelashes fall out. There’s 2 reasons why you will see a natural lash attached to an extension that’s fallen out: 1) it’s an adult lash and it’s naturally fallen out. 2) poor isolation and the extension was glued to one or more natural lash or even another extension causing it to rip out. This tends to happen more so with eyelash technicians who are new and still understanding how important isolation is.

Q: Are lash extensions damaging to my natural lashes? 

A: When applied correctly, and with the proper weight and length, there will be no damage! If the set is done poorly it can cause damage.

Q: Do lash extensions require maintenance? 

A: Yes, lots of maintenance! I can’t stress enough to my clients that they must care for their lashes. There’s a lot of do’s and dont’s, but here is a basic run down: for the first 24 - 48 hours you cannot get them wet, brush them at least once a day, no makeup along the lash line or mascara what so ever because the oils break down the adhesive, no rubbing or picking, you do need to clean your lashes if not everyday then every other day at the absolute max!

Q: Can I put makeup over my lash extensions? 

A: Absolutely no makeup over your extensions, and if you really can’t go a day without makeup then you must be cleaning your eyelashes at the end of everyday and properly. Whichever eyelash technician you choose to see should provide you details on how to clean them, and aftercare to help.

Q: Are lash extensions heavy?

A: When using the proper weight and length they should not be heavy. If you feel the extensions it’s because of poor isolation, eyelashes are too long/thick for the natural lash.

Q: Can I get extensions as long and thick as I want? 

A: Unfortunately, you cannot. If every lash technician listened to the client then I don’t think many people would get extensions. The length and thickness is based on what your natural lash can support.

Q: How long do lash extensions last? 

A: You shed 2-5 lashes per day. After 2-4 weeks you’ve shed enough to get a refill.

Q: Can I wash/go in water with my lash extensions? 

A: You can, but I have noticed with some of my own clients that some can get them soaking wet, and some cannot. It’s 50/50 so the risk is up to the client. I have a hand full that have invested in a pair of goggles for the days they want to shower but they don’t need to clean their lashes, but they want to avoid setting them and breaking down the glue. I’ve never asked my clients to do that, one of them did it and I told the rest and it looks like it has helped some people!

Q: How can I get the most wear out of them? 

A: If you were my client, I would give you an eyelash shampoo along with 2 mascara wands for your after care and I advise you not to get them wet for 24-48 hours, not to wear any makeup and to also avoid sweating. After the 24-48 hours you can start to clean your lashes by dipping one of the wands in the shampoo, closing one eye and brush through them thoroughly, rinse the wand with water and repeat brushing the water through until it’s rinsed out, then let them air dry! Once they are completely dry then you would brush them with your second wand that’s dry and that will spread the lashes apart again. Don’t pick or rub them, and make sure you’re booking your refills for at least every 2 weeks to keep them full.

Q: What should I look for in a lash technician? 

A: The first thing is making sure they know what they are talking about when it comes to what’s safe for natural lashes, cleanliness, etc. You want someone who will respond as soon as they can with your concerns/questions, not someone who will take hours if not a couple of days to get back to you. That’s personally happened to me and I didn’t like it, so I make sure the second I am able to get back to someone, I do. I want the client to see I’m there whenever they need me. Clients pay a value price and as a technician to me your happiness is more important because you are a paying client. And make sure they genuinely love what they are doing, you can tend to get a feel for that kind of stuff. A lot of technicians are in it for the fast cash and it makes us technicians who love what we are doing look bad.

Q: What’s your first piece of advice to a first time lash extension wearer? 

 A: Make sure whoever you choose to go with gives information and has their facts in check. When you do go into your very first appointment, make sure you have clean eyes so no makeup on. And if you do have makeup on, always give the technician a heads up because they will be able to set up to clean that off before getting started. And to me a big thing is a waiver form. Make sure you sign one and read that technicians rules because everyone is different. 

Be sure to check out Jessica’s blog here:


Q: What is Microdermabrasion?

A: Microdermabrasion is a facial procedure that uses manual exfoliation to remove the outer layer of skin. This process works in a series to achieve the best results. We use a Diamond tipped wand to abrade the surface of your skin.

Q: What happens in the treatment?

A: Your skin will first of all be cleansed with a cleanser appropriate to your skin type. We then will follow with the microdermabrasion wand smoothly over your skin, we will then tone the skin, apply a hydrating mask followed by a treatment serum and moisturizerThe entire procedure should take 60 minutes.

Q: What will Microdermabrasion do for my skin?

A: Microdermabrasion will reduce the appearance of wrinkles, remove acne scars, clear up blackheads, minimize the size of the pores, reduce sun damage, and even out the skin tone. Microdermabrasion also helps to boost collagen production to provide firming and toning to the complexion. Adding this to any facial is beneficial. 

Q: Is there downtime after a treatment?

A: Microdermabrasion is a safe and gentle procedure with no downtime. The client will need to protect his or her skin with moisturizer and sun block for 48 hours after the treatment and may experience mild redness and sloughing/peeling. The client can return to work immediately.

Q: How many treatments do I need?

A: When it comes to microdermabrasion one treatment will not provide instant results. That is why it is important to have a series of microdermabrasion services, 3 to 6 are recommended for the best results. These initial 3 to 6 treatments can be spaced 2-3 weeks apart, and from that point, the client can continue to receive one treatment monthly for the best maintenance.

Q: What results can I expect?

A: Depending on the area treated, you will notice an improvement in your skin's appearance after your treatment. Stretch marks and acne scars will be less obvious. Age spots and fine lines are reduced, and many Microdermabrasion clients report that their skin seems softer, tighter, smoother and younger looking.

Q: What will Microdermabrasion do for my skin?

A: Overall, microdermabrasion will reduce the appearance of wrinkles, remove acne scars, clear up blackheads, minimize the size of the pores, reduce sun damage, and even out the skin tone. Microdermabrasion also helps to boost collagen production to provide firming and toning to the complexion.

Q: Is Microdermabrasion effective for men?

A: Men can use microdermabrasian just as women can. The procedure and results are the same; there are no side effects or risks. Men deserve good skin too! 

Q: Is Microdermabrasion good for acne scarring?

A: By removing the top layer of the skin, professional micro abrasion diminishes or even removes superficial acne scarring. Deeper acne scarring requires a more invasive procedure, like a deep chemical peel or laser skin resurfacing.

Q: What is the difference between Crystal Microdermabrasion and Diamond Microdermabrasion?

A: The regular crystal microdermabrasion technology involves the use of a special, hand-held device that propels a high-speed flow of aluminum oxide crystals onto the skin. At the same time, the machine's vacuum system sucks away dirt, dead cells and used crystals.

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